Project 94: In Vitro Brain Modeling with 3D Bioprinting
Contact Information
Assoc. Prof. Wanlu Li
Project Description and Objectives
The establishment of the in vitro brain model to simulate the physiological and pathological state of the brain is crucial for translational medicine. However, the applications of in vitro brain models are limited because of the difficulty in accurately reproducing the specific structure of the brain. 3D bioprinting, as an advanced technique, favors the biofabrication of tissues with improved structural complexity. In this project, we aim to develop a 3D bioprinting method to construct physiological-relevant brain tissue models. The students will join a team of graduate students and research faculty members. Techniques used in this project will include but are not limited to cell culture, biomaterial synthesizing, 3D bioprinting, and data analysis.
Eligibility Requirements
Must be at least in their sophomore year.
Basic knowledge in biology, enthusiasm for cutting-edge 3D bioprinting techniques and their applications.
Main Tasks
Attend weekly lab meetings and carry out experiments.
Give two research presentations (one on literature review, one on research progress).
Finish a research report.