Project 69: Design of System Structures to Achieve Collective Cooperation Based on Machine Learning

Project 69: Design of System Structures to Achieve Collective Cooperation Based on Machine Learning

Contact Information

Asso.Prof. Qi Su    



Project Description and Objectives

Collective intelligence demonstrates that a group of individuals, each with basic abilities, can collaborate to accomplish a complex task beyond the capability of any single person. Unraveling the process by which this collective cooperation arises from the independent decision-making of individuals stands as one of the paramount challenges for scientists, ranking among the top 125. The configuration of a system, governing the scope of interactions and communication among individuals, profoundly influences their decision-making, specifically regarding cooperation.

This study endeavors to present a streamlined algorithm designed to uncover system structures that facilitate collective cooperation. Through a thorough examination of the identified structures, we distill key attributes and underlying mechanisms, contributing to the discovery of additional structures. Ultimately, our objective extends to applying analogous analyses to both static and dynamic networks.


Eligibility Requirements

Interested in Mathematics.

Have basic knowledge of machine learning and neural networks.

Proficient in Python or any other language programming.


Main Tasks 

Study the basics of game theory and network science.

Apply machine learning techniques to search system structures promoting collective cooperation.

Analyze the obtained structures and extract the key features.



