Confucius Institute

To actively promote Chinese as a second language and enhance educational and cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), in collaboration with prestigious universities abroad, established Confucius Institutes at University of New South Wales and Heidelberg University over the years since 2007. Based on local conditions and distinctive characteristics, Confucius Institutes have made contributions to global Chinese education and cultural dissemination, while effectively enhancing cooperation among universities, and cultural exchanges between China and other countries, whereby we can expect strengthened friendship and mutual understanding among people from different countries.

SJTU has put the Confucius Institute high on the agenda  as a significant part in building SJTU into a world-class university.In 2012, we set up the Confucius Institute Office at SJTU, dedicated to including selecting and dispatching Chinese Dean as well as Chinese teachers and volunteer teachers, supervising  funding application and management, arranging scholarships for SJTU Chinese language teachers serving abroad, receving delegations , and holding and supporting the convening of Board meetings. In 2014, the Confucius Institute Office was incorporated into the International Affairs Division of SJTU, making it fully and more closely aligned with SJTU’s international strategies, playing a better role in coordination, planning, and decision-making on a new platform.