SDG refers to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are 17 global goals identified in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations in 2015, aiming to address the challenges the world is facing and to achieve sustainable economic, social and environmental development.
In order to enrich students' international learning experience, the University launched SDG Summer Term Public Courses (SDG International Summer School) in 2022, focusing on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and building a blended learning model that is cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary). 11 courses are set up in 2022, and 12 courses are set up in 2023. The project courses are free and open to students from universities and colleges around the world, reaching a more diverse student population through online international collaborative learning, guiding students to focus on global issues, and enhancing their global competence. https://global.sjtu.edu.cn/en/studyatSJTU/SDG
SDG Public Electives 2024 will continue to offer 17 new courses in the summer semester (24 June to 21 July), and Jiao Tong University students are welcome to choose courses to participate. The list of courses is below:

WeChat for course listings

Course specifics
Jiao Tong University students are advised to pay attention to the first round of course selection for the summer semester by the Academic Affairs Office and the summer semester by the Graduate School, and non-Jiao Tong University students are advised to pay attention to the enrolment system on this webpage.:https://global.sjtu.edu.cn/en/studyatSJTU/SDG

Project Presentation

Interested students are welcome to actively register!
Source | International Competency Office
Editor | Hao Jie