I. Introduction
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a semester-registered-class based program that allows studentsto use digital technologies to work on group projects and activities outside of class. Through intercultural dialogue and collaboration, students have the opportunity to work with peers from different cultural and social backgrounds on a diverse range of global issues.
To encourage course instructors to partner with a global collaborator and explore extracurricular collaborative online international learning activities through their semester courses, the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, the Office of Academic Affairs, the Graduate School, and the Center for Educational Development of Shanghai Jiao Tong University jointly established the International Collaborative Learning Program (COIL) (hereinafter referred to as the "Program"). Course submissions are now open for instructors looking to deliver their courses in Spring 2025 (no language requirements). Under the same conditions, the proposed courses are preferentially entered into the quality course construction sequence of the Academic Affairs Office.
II. Program Objectives
The introduction of extracurricular collaborative online international learning activities in the curricula of semester courses will enable students to partner with global peers from another university and work on common tasks and projects; examine, in greater detail, pertinent global issues with their peers from around the world. This intercultural experience will not only enrich their global mindset, but also give students the opportunity to hone their skills in critical thinking and creativity.
III. Program Requirements
1. The course, either at the undergraduate or graduate level (no language restrictions), must take place within the Spring Semester of SJTU’s 2025 academic calendar.
2. Course instructors need to identify a partner from an overseas university with a parallel course to deliver the extra-curricular activities.
3. Fundamental design for extracurricular collaborative online learning: enable students are to engage in intercultural and interdisciplinary exchange with their peers from overseas universities through online group discussions, group work, and/or group projects.
4. COIL course content can be in, but is not restricted to, the following formats: problem-based learning, joint projects, group discussions, and online/offline activities, as long as the topic of instruction pertains to a global issue as enumerated under the UN’s SDGs.
5. Design a session (or sessions) where students from both SJTU and partner university will have the chance to present their group work in front of their professors and peers at least once before end of semester.
6. SJTU faculty members are encouraged to engage multinational companies and global institutions to participate in and be a part of COIL.
7. Apart from existing formats, faculty members are welcome to develop innovative ideas and activities that pertain to the spirit and mission of COIL.
IV. Faculty applicant requirements
Faculty applicants:
1. Must be a full-time SJTU faculty member who will give a course in the Spring Semester of 2025.
2. Cannot register for more than two courses per semester.
3. Each COIL program should have at least 15 SJTU students.
V. Core competencies
Upon completing the program, students should have developed core competencies that will enable them to communicate and collaborate with their peers from different cultural, linguistic, and disciplinary backgrounds:
1. Listening comprehension and critical thinking: students should be able to understand, analyze, and critique different perspectives.
2. Verbal and written expression: students should be able to express their ideas and viewpoints in a cogent and eloquent manner.
3. Proactive, topical learning: students should be able to, on their own initiative, engage in an in-depth study of a specific topic.
4. Leadership and problem-solving: students should demonstrate leadership and initiative in group discussions and collaborations. They should demonstrate the skills necessary to implement the proposed solution.
VI. Program Timeline
1. Program Info session: 11th December, 2024, onsite meeting only
Meeting location: 1st floor, Building 3, Donghuiyuan, International Center of SJTU
Meeting registration link: https://wj.sjtu.edu.cn/q/8PE8SNAU
(You may also leave your contact information by filling out the questionnaire for more updates on this program if you are not available attending the onsite meeting this time.)
2. Program application deadline: January 10th, 2025 (Friday)
3. Program approval session: January 16th, 2025 (Thursday)
4. Program duration: Spring semester, 2025
5. End-of-program report: July 2025
VII. COIL funding
1. Each approved COIL will receive 8,000-20,000 RMB in funding, with 8,000 RMB allocated upon program approval, and the remaining part to be allocated upon program completion and evaluation (i.e. funding to be determined based on actual expenses incurred during the course).
2. In principle, COIL will cover the 5,000 RMB teaching assistant fee, which can be adjusted according to the number of students and the actual workload of the program. The total fund shall not exceed 8,000 RMB.
VIII. Application Document
SJTU COIL Application Form:
Attachment 1: SJTU COIL Application Form.docx
Once this form has been signed and stamped by your department, please submit the documents both in paper and electronic format to the International Affairs Division’s Global Competence Office (SJTU Minhang Campus—International Center—Huiyuan Building#3, 3rd floor, Room 300). Electronic copy submissions should be sent to Yijun Liu, yijunliu518@sjtu.edu.cn.
IX. Program Contact
Contact Person: LIU Yijun
Office Number: 021-54155621
Email: yijunliu518@sjtu.edu.cn