Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Xuhui District signed a new round of co-operation agreement

International Affairs Division 2024-02-29 193

On the afternoon of 27th February, the signing ceremony of the storage and replacement agreement between SJTU and Xuhui District was held in the conference hall of No.1 Building of Xuhui District Institution Compound. Yang Zhenbin, Secretary of the Party Committee of SJTU, Ding Kui Ling, President of SJTU, Xi Lifeng, Executive Vice President of SJTU, Cao Liqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xuhui District, Yu Linwei, Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee of Xuhui District and Vice Mayor of the District, and persons in charge of the relevant departments of Xuhui District and SJTU attended the event. The event was hosted by Yu Linwei.





At the meeting, the two sides signed the "Longwu Road Land Resumption Contract" and "Asset Exchange Agreement for the Plot of Boshu Building and the Plot of Xuhui Middle School Guangyuan Campus". According to the agreement, the two sides will continue to deepen the strategic cooperation between the district and school with the goal of optimising the functional layout of the urban area and achieving high-quality development of regional education. In the integration of assets, production and education integration and other aspects of further close cooperation, cohesion, and jointly promote the regional form, functional integration and enhancement, education, industrial integration and efficiency.


Both sides around the support of education in the development of Xuhui District, synchronised to promote the overall environment of the greater Xujiahui functional area to enhance the implementation of the Xuhui Riverside functional area of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and other topics discussed and exchanged.


Cao Liqiang of Shanghai Jiaotong University on the economic and social development of Xuhui District, expressed his gratitude. He said that Xuhui District will actively study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his visit to Shanghai, implement the requirements of the municipal party committee for the new positioning of Xuhui District, respond to the city's strategic layout, deepen cooperation with SJTU in innovative development, urban renewal, and common governance, strengthen resource integration, create a more concentrated pattern of science and education, and work together to build a high-quality development of the much-needed industrial platform, and comprehensively stimulate the endogenous impetus to the development of the region. Endogenous power, promote the district school cooperation to a deeper level, a higher level.


Ding Quiling said that the university is the driving force of the city's development, the city is the backing of the university's development, the synergistic cooperation between Jiaotong University and Xuhui District is a vivid embodiment of the symbiosis between the university and the city. He said he hoped that the relevant departments of both sides would implement the cooperation agreement in a solid manner, seize the development opportunities, expand the space for cooperation, focus on key areas, gather top talents, focus on the integration of industry and education and innovative development, promote the quality and acceleration of district-university cooperation, and jointly make contributions to the urban governance of Shanghai, the development of innovation and the construction of the school's first-class university.


Yang Zhenbin expressed his gratitude for the sincere cooperation between Xuhui District and SJTU and the strong support for the development of the school. He said that Xuhui District and the school have signed several contracts for joint construction, reflecting the sincere cooperation and common vision of both sides. The university will further give full play to its advantages in disciplinary layout, talent concentration and talent cultivation, strongly support the deepening of cooperation between the district and the university in more fields, and actively collaborate with Xuhui District to optimise the construction of the campus of SJTU Xuhui Campus and its surrounding environment, so as to promote the integration of innovation and high-quality development between the university and the city.