Shanghai Jiao Tong University's "Rongchang Talent Reserve Programme" Annual Conference 2023

International Affairs Division 2024-03-01 163

On the afternoon of 25th February 2024, the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shanghai Jiao Tong University's "Rong Chang Talent Reserve Program" (hereinafter referred to as "Talent Reserve Program") was held in the Lecture Hall of the Academic Activity Centre of Minhang Campus of SJTU. Wang Jianming, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Shanghai Rongchang Foundation, Hu Weiwei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of SJTU and Vice President of SJTU, He Tangtang, Director and Secretary General of Shanghai Rongchang Foundation, Xu Shixian, Xu Chun, He Ping, Huang Zhenyao, Mao Fuping, Sun Ge, Wang Qingyun, and Huang Chun, Zhu Xiaosu, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Tao Jian, Supervisor and Deputy Secretary General Li Yongqing, Li Jia, Financial Manager, Wang Yushen, Head of the University Development and Liaison Office, and Wang Yushen, Secretary of the University League Committee and Student Affairs Office. Mr. Li Jinxiang, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the University and Deputy Director of the Student Affairs Office, Mr. Li Yi, Deputy Director of the Development Liaison Office of the University, Mr. Tian Luoyin, Organizer of the Party Committee of the University, Mr. Huang Jinxian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Humanities and Head of the Preparatory Committee for the Affiliated Minhang Experimental School, Mr. Chao Ruiqi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Electronics, Information and Electricity, Mr. Guo Fei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Economics and Management of Antai, Mr. Xu Yan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Oceanography, Mr. Zhang Renwei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Physical Education and Sports Department Xiong Feng, Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the University, Zhou Lin Yan, Instructor of CUIP and Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the University, Gao Xing, Director of CUIP IV and Academic Guidance Committee of the University, Ren Ziwen, Director of CUIP VII and Alumni Association of the University, Zhang Bei of School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Director of CUIP VIII, and all the students of CUIP VI to VIII as well as some of the graduated students participated in the annual meeting together. In addition, the annual meeting was held online for CCTF students from all over the world. The annual meeting was hosted by Deng Yue, a student of CMT Phase 6, Dai Xiangjia, a student of Phase 7, Zhu Jianghao, a student of Phase 8, and Fang Haobo.


02.pngVivian Hu delivered a speech on behalf of the school. She shared the behind-the-scenes story of the preparation of the "CAPITAL Programme" and expressed her gratitude to the teachers and students who contributed to the smooth implementation of the programme. Focusing on the theme of the annual meeting "coordinates", she put forward three expectations to the students: first, find the right coordinate system, inherit the red gene of Jiaotong University, hold the original intention of development, and accurately position themselves; second, grasp the roadmap, correctly perceive themselves, maintain the desire for knowledge, and plan a good route forward; third, catch up with the new goal, constantly broaden the boundaries, open up new fields, and strive to achieve new goals in the national renaissance and the construction of a strong country. We will make our own contribution to the national renaissance and the construction of a strong nation.


Afterwards, the trainees watched a video on the theme of the annual meeting. The video linked the growth marks of the participants in the process of learning and exchange, social practice and other processes in 2023 with the "coordinates" of CPC, and a number of participants shared what they had gained, thought and hoped for in the year, and their lively and humorous words and sincere and touching scenes drew applause from teachers and students all over the room.


Zhou Lin Yan made the 2023 annual work report. The report reviewed the work of the year 2023 from three aspects: Firstly, consolidating the foundation and strengthening the ideological value leadership. The trainees combined theoretical learning and study tours to understand the spirit of struggle. Second, learning, thinking and realising, and improving the daily cultivation of talents. The five-education fusion cultivation plan and the peer education mode of cross-semester exchanges have been perfected day by day, which help the cadets pay attention to current affairs, cultivate the underlying knowledge, and strengthen their bodies and minds. Thirdly, it is to keep the right and innovative, enriching the practical connotation. Cadets lead and drive the pairing of "Siyuan Special Class" students in Eryuan No.1 Middle School, Quzhang "Reserve Dreams" Rural Practice Base and other helping programmes, completing the important transformation of "helping others to help themselves" in practice. In practice, it has accomplished the important transformation of "helping others to help themselves". At the same time, she pointed out that the next phase of the CCCP will focus on the fundamental task of establishing moral education in colleges and universities, investigating the growing educational needs of students, focusing on the formation of CCCP's characteristic student career planning, building a platform for cross-disciplinary learning, expanding the internship platform for international organisations, and advancing the practice of rural revitalisation into the work of the CCCP, so as to help students to set up a big ambition, do a big job and go to the big stage. Finally, on behalf of the teachers and students of CCTP, she expressed her gratitude to the school and the support of Rongchang Foundation, and put forward her expectations for the CCTP trainees to adhere to their initial mission and continue to grow and explore.



06.pngThe annual meeting commended a group of students who had outstanding performance in the process of talent cultivation. Li Yi and Tian Luoyin awarded certificates of honour to the students who were awarded "Healthy Person" and "Cultural Person", and Zhu Xiaosu and Li Jinxiang awarded certificates of honour to the students who were awarded "Excellent Student" and "Excellent Class Committee Member". Zhu Xiaosu and Li Jinxiang awarded certificates of honour to the students who were awarded "excellent students" and "excellent class members".



As a token of appreciation for the support and dedication of the teachers and mentors in the process of the Programme, Mr. Wong Kim Yin, Mr. Xiong Feng, Mr. Lee Kin Lung and Mr. Chan Tan Yueh were awarded the Special Contribution Award.



Huang Jinxian delivered a speech as a representative. He affirmed the nurturing value of the CCCP, especially the fruitful results of the multi-level practice, and said that he would continue to support the CCCP trainees in their continuous progress in the future.



11.pngMr Zhang Xuanhao, a student of the 8th cohort, shared his experience of finding a new direction for himself in the past year with diversified judging criteria; Mr Ma Qingchuan, a student of the 7th cohort, thanked CCTF for letting her grow up with outstanding people; and Ms Ming Wanxuan, a student of the 6th cohort, who is overseas, participated in the meeting in the form of a video, recalling the journey of discovering oneself in the footsteps of CCTF in China and abroad and the warmth of CCTF's big family.


By adapting the song "I'll Think of You", the CCTF VII trainees demonstrated the warm atmosphere of CCTF's big family with their lively performances.


CCTF VIII student Sun Ruyue and CCTF VII student Dai Xiangjia played the song "La La Land" with their instruments. The melodious melody demonstrated the artistic strength of CCTF students.


Wang Jianming concluded his speech. He pointed out that the theme of "coordinates" of this annual meeting is very meaningful, and coordinates include multi-dimensional meanings such as "point" to "quadrant", and participants should carefully examine their own positioning. We are closer than ever to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but the world is also in the midst of a century of unprecedented changes, with local wars and uncertainties. Under the premise of adhering to the original intention, the "coordinates" of students' life should not remain unchanged in the process of concrete development, but should be continuously enriched and improved with the times, and dynamically adjusted. Wang Jianming affirmed the excellent results of the training of the first to eighth CAREERS programme, and the cohesion of CAREERS all over the world was gratifying, and he expected that the students would be able to discover the most accurate and the most beautiful "coordinates" of their lives through their own efforts.


At the end of the annual meeting, the venue was lit up with starlight. All CCTF students sang the class song "Star Flame", reviewing the life of CCTF over the past year. No matter where they are in the future, the spark of CCTF will always shine in their hearts. I wish every CCTF student can explore infinitely and keep the star flame burning forever.


Yu Ding, a student from the 7th phase of CCTS, completed a piece of calligraphy "Explore Infinity" on the spot, which was dedicated to the annual meeting and inspired the CCTS students to be enterprising and courageous in the new year, explore the uncharted territory and embrace infinite possibilities.


It is reported that since the launch of RongChang's "Reserve Talent Programme" in 2016, a total of 361 students have been trained in eight phases, from which representatives of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Challenge Cup Grand Prize winners, Shanghai University Student of the Year, and the school's Three Good Students' Pacesetters have emerged as the students of Jiaotong University who have excelled in various levels of academic growth, campus activities, and volunteer services. students. Looking to the future, the programme will uphold the original spirit of educating people and set out again. Practice the spirit of Jiaotong University and give full play to the power of talent storage.