Shanghai Jiao Tong University SDG July Camp celebrates four weeks of fruitful intellectual and cultural exchanges and student empowerment

International Affairs Division 2023-07-27 625

On July 23, 2023, Shanghai Jiao Tong University held the online closing ceremony for its Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) July Camp. With a vibrant community of students, professors, guest lecturers, and university staff in attendance, the event celebrated the intellectual, social, and cultural exchanges that took place over the course of the 4-week program.

Just like the previous iteration of the SDG July program, the closing ceremony is an opportunity for course instructors and students to share and reflect upon their learning experience and personal growth in relation to the UN Sustainable Goals. Representatives from the program’s twelve courses reported on how their engagement with the topic of sustainable development have enabled them to apply their knowledge and understanding of SDGs within the context of their social and academic communities. From improving the quality of education for young women in rural Africa and Asia to employing more environmentally friendly materials and methodologies in construction, students devised creative and pragmatic ways to translate theory into practice.

With a community of over 500 instructors and students comprised of citizens from 39 countries from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the Americas, the program’s participants enjoyed fresh approaches and perspectives on various topics. For instance, the course on traditional Chinese medicine enrolled many students from outside of China, which resulted in many stimulating discussions on the history and applications of Chinese herbal medicine. An example of teacher-turned-student occurred in the course on gender equality, where two of the student participants turned out to be teachers from Somalia and Vietnam who applied their learning from the course to better empower the female students in their respective countries!

The inspiring stories above illustrate how change is only possible when individuals dare to dream. Motivated by their vision of a better future for their community in particular and humanity in general, these individuals have the courage to take the first small step to effect meaningful change. This audacity of hope is essential to ensuring that the world as a whole continues to make progress on the UN SDGs, that societies are not bogged down by systemic inertia and lack of willpower. If anything, influential actors at the international and national levels should mobilize their resources to empower these dreamers. The SDG July Camp then, is a modest attempt by SJTU to act upon the imperatives enumerated by the United Nations, fulfilling the university’s traditional and important role as an initiator, enabler, and facilitator of cultural and social change.