The 6th International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control was held in Shanghai

International Affairs Division 2023-04-29 725

The 6th International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control, ICDVC 2022+1 was successfully held in Shanghai on April 7-9, 2023. This conference also served as a specially celebrative activity for the 127th anniversary of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

The ICDVC 2022+1 is organized by the State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration under the auspices of The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. This year’s ICDVC has a theme: New Wisdoms in Dynamic World. The conference president is Prof. Haiyan Hu, an Academician of the China Academy of Sciences. The executive president of the conference is Guang Meng, a Chair Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

The ICDVC 2022+1 attracts more than 800 researchers and some globally famous experts from more than ten countries and regions, including Unite States, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Korea, and so forth. Meanwhile, this conference collects 743 papers representing high-impact scholarly works including a stellar lineup of plenary and invited speeches from world-renowned experts on a diverse range of topics involving fluid-structure interactions, nonlinear dynamics, wave dynamics, and metamaterials, etc.

Prof. Guang Meng moderated the opening of the ICDVC 2022+1. Prof. Haiyan Hu made a welcome speech. Prof. Shaopu Yang from Shijiazhuang Tiedao University represented the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics to make a special welcome speech for this conference.

Prof. Dan Negrut from the University of Wisconsin Madison, Prof. Shan-Tung Tu from East China University of Science and Technology, Michael Beer from Leibniz Universität Hannover, and Prof. Lin Ye from the Southern University of Science and Technology made a plenary speech at this conference, respectively.

This conference is the 6th international conference on dynamics, vibration and control, after five predecessor events held in Beijing (1990 and 2006), Hangzhou (2010), and Shanghai (2014), Shijiazhuang (2018). ICDVC provides an excellent opportunity for engineers and scientists working in the field of dynamics, vibration and control to come together and exchange ideas about their profession. Since first organized in Beijing (1990), ICDVC has witnessed a flourishing development in the realm of dynamics, vibration, and control over the past 30 years and become a must-attend leading event to discuss new trends and address practical challenges faced by the community.