Project 139: Establishment of an Autism Model in Zebrafish and Evaluation of Drug Efficacy

Project 139: Establishment of an Autism Model in Zebrafish and Evaluation of Drug Efficacy

Contact Information

Assoc. Prof. Lili Jing     



Project Description and Objectives

This project aims to establish an autism model using wildtype and mutant zebrafish. This model will then be used to study the effects of different drugs on autistic behavior and innate immune cells in zebrafish, as well as the relationship between the two.


Eligibility Requirements

The student needs to have basic knowledge of molecular biology, microbiology, and pharmacology, and have basic laboratory skills in microbiology, molecular biology, and cell biology. Knowledge of zebrafish model organisms is a big plus.


Main Tasks

Establish the zebrafish autism model.

Study the effects of 5 drugs on zebrafish autism behavior.

Study the effects of 5 drugs on innate immune cells and the relationship to the autism behavior.




School: School of Pharmacy