Project 126: The Mechanisms of Depression and Memory Process

Project 126: The Mechanisms of Depression and Memory Process

Contact Information

Prof. Weidong Li



Project Description and Objectives

There is an increasing risk of mental disorders, such as acute stress disorder (ASD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression among survivors trapped in rubble during earthquakes. Such long-term impaction of acute restraint stress has not been extensively explored. Learning to contend with threats in the environment is essential for survival, but dysregulation of memories of traumatic events can lead to disabling psychopathology. Our studies found subjected mice to 24-hour-restraint to simulate the trapping episode, and also we discovered a potential target gene LHPP which plays a critical role in depression. In this project, we will explore the neuron function of depressive-like mice induced by acute stress (24-hour-restraint) and LHPP knock-out using multi-channel recording, voltage-sensitive detection image, transcranial magnetic stimulation and whole-cell recording. Also, we will study the extinction mechanisms of traumatic memories by targeted recombination in active populations, DREADDs (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs) and optogenetics strategies. This project may provide a clue for the study of the pathogenesis of depression and related memory processes.


Eligibility Requirements

Understanding of lab safety.

Interested students should have basic knowledge of Neurophysiology and signal processing.


Main Tasks

Finish a research report.

Give two research presentations.



