Project 120: Production of Autophagy Regulating Peptides by Yeast

Project 120: Production of Autophagy Regulating Peptides by Yeast

Contact Information

Prof. Zhiping Xie

Email: ; 


Project Description and Objectives

When too much damage and waste materials accumulate in our cells, they may undergo programmed cell death, or even worse, mutate to become cancer cells. Normally, large structures like dysfunctional mitochondria or protein aggregates need to be cleared by the autophagy/lysosome system. This project aims to produce autophagy regulating peptides by budding yeast. Our research will help provide safe and economical peptide-based medicine for society.  


Eligibility Requirements

Applicants are expected to possess a good understanding of basic biochemistry and cell biology concepts.


Main Tasks

This project involves working with yeast and human cells. Participants will learn to design and construct plasmids and yeast strains to produce peptides that can cross the cell membrane of recipient cells and regulate autophagy. The efficacy of the peptides will be accessed using a variety of biochemical assays and live cell imaging techniques. Based on initial results and further optimization of the design, expression and purification of the peptides will be performed.



