Project 116: Detection and Characterization of Microbial Life in the Deep Ocean Crust
Contact Information
Prof. Fengping Wang
Project Description and Objectives
The ocean's dark, high-pressure environments harbor a vast deep biosphere, with microbial cells in ocean sediments estimated at 10²⁹, comparable to those in global seawater and soils. Oceanic crust, five times the volume of sediments, offers unique habitats due to its mineral composition and porous structure, potentially hosting diverse microbial communities even at depths of 5 km. During The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) expedition 399, a record-breaking 1.2 km mantle-derived rock core was retrieved, providing a good opportunity to explore microbial abundance, activity, and survival in the deep oceanic crust. This project aims to detect microbial life within these rock samples. Microbial cells will be visualized and counted using staining techniques. DNA will be extracted using modified protocols tailored to these challenging samples, followed by high-throughput sequencing to uncover their genomic potential.
Eligibility Requirements
Basic knowledge of microbiology
Main Tasks
Visualize and count the number of microbial cells in rock samples
Extract DNA from the rock samples
Submit a research report at the end of the program