Project 113: Interpreting and Understanding Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals in a Sea Park

Project 113: Interpreting and Understanding Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals in a Sea Park

Contact Information

Assoc. Prof. Ji Li  



Project Description and Objectives

The Summer Program with work with Haichang Sea Park, one of the largest sea parks in China, and offers a unique opportunity for students to engage in groundbreaking research and conservation efforts. This hands-on program, hosted in collaboration with the School of Oceanography, focuses on the study of marine life, particularly dolphins and whales, using cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence. Participants will work closely with professors to observe marine mammals, record their sounds and activities, and analyze their behavior through modern technologies such as acoustic sensors, drones, and AI-driven data analysis tools. By studying the complex communication patterns and activities of these majestic creatures, students will contribute to important environmental research aimed at understanding and protecting marine biodiversity.

In addition to scientific research, participants will engage in science education initiatives, where they will have the chance to interact with visitors at the Sea Park. Through guided tours and educational workshops, students will help raise awareness about ocean conservation and inspire the public to take action to protect marine ecosystems. This program provides a platform for students to develop skills in scientific research, data analysis, and public outreach, while fostering a global community of young scientists passionate about the environment.


Eligibility Requirements

Fluent English in writing and speaking

Have a great heart that cares about nature and the ocean



Main Tasks

Hands-on research experience in marine science, with a focus on marine mammal behavior and acoustics.

Promote citizen awareness and action on ocean conservation through education and outreach activities.

Foster cross-cultural collaboration among international students and Chinese students.




