Project 111: High-Efficient Low-Platinum Catalysts for Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Contact Information
Prof. XinHao Li
Project Description and Objectives
Hydrogen fuel cells using hydrogen and air to generate electricity with water as the only by-product are an extremely promising zero-emissions technology. However, fuel cell technology has been stagnant for decades in terms of scalability because of the high cost. Current hydrogen fuel cells require platinum catalysts to electrochemically reduce oxygen at the cathode and oxidize hydrogen at the anode, which accounts for over 50% of the total cost of fuel cells. In response to these challenges, the development of low-platinum electrocatalysts has emerged as a critical area of research with major industrial applications. In this project, low-loading high-efficiency heterojunction low-platinum catalysts for hydrogen fuel cells will be developed to improve efficiency and decrease cost.
Eligibility Requirements
Basic knowledge of inorganic chemistry and electrochemistry
Interest in chemistry and catalysis
Main Tasks
Synthesis and basic characterization of the electrocatalysts.
Performance test of the electrocatalysts.