Project 101: High-Fidelity Peridynamic Modeling Strategy for Advanced Composites

Project 101: High-Fidelity Peridynamic Modeling Strategy for Advanced Composites

Contact Information

Assoc. Prof. Yile Hu



Project Description and Objectives

Various numerical methods have been developed and used to analyze the progressive damage and failure of advanced composite materials. However, the spatial derivatives needed to solve differential equations are not defined at the crack surface or tip. This introduces an inherent limitation to the classical theory. An alternative approach for simulation failures and damages in advanced composite materials is highly needed to improve the shortcomings in classical mechanics. In this project, a new continuum mechanics theory, the PeriDynamic (PD) theory, will be applied to analyze progressive failures in advanced composite structures. Students can gain fundamental and practical knowledge of the numerical implementation of peridynamics. Moreover, students will be able to perform some experimental investigations of composite materials to verify their observation in a numerical simulation.


Eligibility Requirements

Knowledge in Solid Mechanics and Finite Element class;

Programming with C/C++, Fortran, Python or other language;

Students with working experience in a lab are preferred.


Main Tasks

Develop a peridynamic model for simulating matrix cracking and delamination in aerospace composite material;

Perform experimental study with the standard testing method to measure material properties of composites.



Lab: N/A
