Project 96: Medical Image Synthesis and Multi-Modal Fusion

Project 96: Medical Image Synthesis and Multi-Modal Fusion

Contact Information

Assoc. Prof. Lichi Zhang



Project Description and Objectives

Using multi-modal medical imaging technology is essential to assist diagnosis and treatment in healthcare. However, from the technical perspective, multi-modal fusion has been daunting for decades, due to the giant incoherence of visual cues in images of different modalities. Recently, deep learning-based image synthesis has provided a revolutionary chance to mitigate this issue, by performing image-domain or feature-domain data conversion. In this project, we expect students to develop tools for multi-modal fusion, by utilizing the fast-evolving technique of image synthesis. The outcome of this project, which consists of both novel algorithm development and user case demonstration, is expected to benefit clinicians and patients significantly.


Eligibility Requirements

Solid background in mathematics and programming, enthusiasm for cutting-edge artificial intelligence techniques and their application to healthcare.


Main Tasks

Develop core algorithms to complete image synthesis.

Develop methods to complete the pipeline of multi-modal fusion.

Develop and deploy tools for user-case demonstration of the algorithms and methods.



