Project 93: Development of Myelinated and Vascularized Human Brain Organoid
Contact Information
Prof. Yaohui Tang
Project Description and Objectives
Animal models are inherently difficult to translate to human physiology and pathophysiology of the central nervous system. The brain of a living organism is too complex and tightly integrated for detailed studies of metabolic interactions. Contributions of specific structures such as vasculature or perivasculature cannot be disentangled, let alone contributions by distinct cell types. Thus, it is quite challenging to develop treatments for brain diseases including stroke due to the lack of established methods for generating human relevant data. This proposal aims to develop a vascularized brain organoid with myelin sheath structure, and explore the interaction between myelin and blood vessels based on this brain organoid. The students will join a team of graduate students and research faculty members. Techniques used in this project will include but are not limited to stem cell culture, brain organoid culture, staining and data analysis.
Eligibility Requirements
Must be at least in their sophomore year.
Main Tasks
Attend weekly lab meetings and carry out experiments.
Give two research presentations. (one on literature review, one on research progress)
Finish a research report.