Project 92: Effects of Carpal Tunnel Pressure-induced Changes in Transverse Carpal Ligament Structure on the Shear Wave Velocity: A Multiphysics Study

Project 92: Effects of Carpal Tunnel Pressure-induced Changes in Transverse Carpal Ligament Structure on the Shear Wave Velocity: A Multiphysics Study

Contact Information

Assoc. Prof. Yifei Yao



Project Description and Objectives

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common hand disorders. Carpal tunnel pressure measurement can facilitate the prevention, diagnosis and assessment of treatment for CTS. So far, there is not an economical and efficient way to measure the carpal tunnel pressure non-invasively. Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) imaging on Transverse Carpal Ligament (TCL) may be an ideal tool to measure carpal tunnel pressure non-invasively. The relationship between the carpal tunnel pressure and the shear wave velocity is critical for the estimation of tunnel pressure in vivo. This project aims to establish the theoretical relationship between TCL shear wave velocity and carpal tunnel pressure in silico using a multi-physics finite element analysis with mechanical and acoustic simulation to explore the theoretical function of relationship between SWV on TCL and carpal tunnel pressure. The investigation will have a clinical influence on CTS prevention, diagnosis and treatment.


Eligibility Requirements

The students should have the desire of using engineering and technologies to solve biomedical problems. A prerequisite of engineering training, e.g., data analysis (using Matlab toolbox), finite element software (COMSOL, ANSYS or ABAQUS), and/or biomechanics are desirable.


Main Tasks

Students are required to work with the graduate students under the supervision of their mentor(s) to work on the above projects. The students need to attend the regular lab meetings and give weekly reports to their mentor(s). By the end of the internship, a project report should be submitted.



