Project 81: Design and Fabrication of Wood-inspired Monolithic Porous Carbon Material

Project 81: Design and Fabrication of Wood-inspired Monolithic Porous Carbon Material

Contact Information:

Research Assistant Yao Li  



Project Description and Objectives:

With the depletion of fossil fuels and increasing environmental pollution, there is an urgent need for efficient, clean, and sustainable materials. Wood with its mesoporous, low-tortuosity, and hierarchical structure has attracted much research interest recently. Most importantly, it is renewable, environmentally friendly, naturally abundant, and biodegradable. In recent years, wood has found a range of applications, including transparent and haze paper for optoelectronics, biodegradable electronics, and solar cells. These advanced applications using wood-based materials are promising for a sustainable future. In this project, we utilize the unique structure of wood to fabricate wood-derived monolithic porous carbon materials by changing the conditions of the experiment to cater to different practical applications.


Eligibility Requirements:

Experience in materials preparation.

Familiarity with the structure of natural wood.


Main Tasks:

Attempt a variety of fabrication methods and raw materials to explore the influence of these conditions on the structure of wood-derived monolithic porous carbon materials so that they can better cater to different uses.



