Project 66: Environment-adaptive 3-D Locomotion of Magnetic Flapping Milliswimmer

Project 66: Environment-adaptive 3-D Locomotion of Magnetic Flapping Milliswimmer

Contact Information

Assoc. Prof. Anzhu Gao



Project Description and Objectives

Magnetic miniature soft robot has potential for non-invasive surgery and in vivo treatment. However, the complex environment and tortuous lumens inside human body imposes requirements on the agile motility of robots. Inspired by the flexibility of underwater and aerial animals with flapping moving mechanism, a magnetic field controlled underwater milliswimmer has been designed and the basic motion control is realized. To further enhance the adaptability of the robots, the mobility in diverse and complex environment should be developed. The soft robot could deform in various mode under different external magnetic field, which leads to adaptive moving pattern under complicated environments like tortuous lumens, smaller holes than the body size, undulating surfaces and so on. The multi-mode mobility of the magnetic miniature soft robot is expected to improve the adaptability in complex working scenarios, especially in clinical treatments.


Eligibility Requirements

Familiar with basic programming language (mainly python).

Basic knowledge of control theory.


Main Tasks

Review relevant literature to learn the basic knowledge of micro soft robots.

Experiment and design on magnetic field controlled multi-mode mobility of robots.

Control algorithms and experiments on validation models.



