Project 64: Decoding Visual Perception from EEG Signals

Project 64: Decoding Visual Perception from EEG Signals

Contact Information

Asso.Prof. Wei-Long Zheng



Project Description and Objectives

Our visual experience in daily life is dominated by dynamic change. Decoding such dynamic information from brain activity can enhance the understanding of the brain’s visual processing system. As a signal which directly reflects brain activity, electroencephalography (EEG) has been demonstrated to be a reliable and promising indicator of human mental state.


In this project, we will investigate decoding visual perception using EEG and eye movement signals with diffusion models. Based on the existing research and datasets, the study aims to reconstruct vivid images or videos stimuli from brain activity.


Eligibility Requirements

Interested students should have basic knowledge of machine learning and programming skills in Python.

Experience on Diffusion Model is preferred.


Main Tasks 

Explore brain decoding method.

Collect EEG and eye tracking experimental data if needed.

Finish a research report.



