Project 60: Computer Aided Diagnosis Based on Artificial Intelligence and Medical Image Analysis

Project 60: Computer Aided Diagnosis Based on Artificial Intelligence and Medical Image Analysis 

Contact Information

Prof. Jie Yang   



Project Description and Objectives 

With the significant development of artificial intelligence in recent years which has been motivated by great demand from clinical practice, computer-aided diagnoses have become increasingly important. Advances in artificial intelligence and medical imaging technology will greatly contribute to the diagnoses of many diseases. In particular, computer-aided diagnoses that can reduce the disequilibrium of medical resources in China, where there is a significant difference between the main top hospitals that are located in big cities, such as Shanghai and Beijing, and smaller more localized hospitals. 


In this project, some important and typical problems will be investigated and close collaborations with hospitals and institutes abroad will be pursued, including osteosarcoma (with Renji Hospital), diabetic retinopathy (with Shanghai First People’s Hospital), Alzheimer’s disease (with Chalmers University of Technology), and chromosome mutation (with Ruijin Hospital). The objectives of this project consist of:

1) Study medical imaging process methods and artificial intelligence techniques for one particular disease.

2) Experiments on clinical data with the developed techniques.

3) Interpretation analysis of the neural networks that are trained for computer-aided diagnosis.


Eligibility Requirements

Basic knowledge of artificial intelligence and image processing.

Programming skills of Python, C; experience with TensorFlow, PyTorch is preferred.


Main Tasks

Processing of clinical images and AI methods implementation.

Experiments based on clinical data for one particular disease.

Interpretation analysis of the neural networks for clinical applications. 



