Project 33: Intelligent Analysis and Auxiliary Diagnosis System Based on Renal Tissue Pathological Image

Project 33:Intelligent Analysis and Auxiliary Diagnosis System Based on Renal Tissue Pathological Image

Contact Information:

Prof. Bin Sheng



Project Description and Objectives:

The incidence rate of kidney diseases is up to 10.8%, and glomerular diseases are an important part of kidney diseases. This project aims to develop an imaging system that can objectively analyze typical glomerular diseases through the analysis of digital pathological images. The project results can not only assist doctors in the image analysis of glomerular diseases, but also provide objective and quantitative analysis results, improve the diagnostic efficiency, and make the pathological diagnosis of glomerular diseases, a highly difficult diagnostic technology, more commonly applied in primary medical care.


Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must have some computer programming skills, an understanding of neural networks and artificial intelligence, and a passion for medical care.


Main Tasks:

Understand digital medical image processing. 

Perform experiments, analyze experimental, and write a research report. 

Give a research presentation (technical presentation).



