Project 23: Design and Control of Haptic Systems for Robot Surgery

Project 23: Design and Control of Haptic Systems for Robot Surgery

Contact Information:

Assoc. Prof. Hongbing Li



Project Description and Objectives:

Haptics is the study of human touch sensing, specifically via kinesthetic (force/position) and cutaneous (tactile) receptors, associated with perception and manipulation. In robotics, haptics is broadly defined as real and simulated touch interactions among robots, humans, and real, remote, or simulated environments, in various combinations. In this project, you will study the design and control of haptic systems, which provide force feedback to human operators interacting with virtual environments or teleoperated surgical robots. You will develop specialized robotic devices and their corresponding control, known as haptic interfaces, which allow human operators to experience the sense of touch in remote (teleoperated) or simulated (virtual) environments. You will explore the use of handheld devices in virtual environments, try to understand the interactions between vision and touch, and enable portable devices to generate compelling touch interactions. Also, you can incorporate machine learning techniques to understand how humans and haptic devices can adapt to each other during use.


Eligibility Requirements:

This project requires a background in robot dynamic systems and C++ programming. Experience with feedback control and mechanical prototyping is also useful.


Main Tasks:

This project covers device modeling (kinematics and dynamics), synthesis and analysis of control systems, design and implementation of mechatronic devices, and human-machine interaction.



