Project 13: On-Machine Measurement of the Workpiece on a CNC Machine Tool towards Industry 4.0 and Intelligent Manufacturing

Project 13: On-Machine Measurement of the Workpiece on a CNC Machine Tool towards Industry 4.0 and Intelligent Manufacturing

Contact Information:

Assoc. Prof. Xiaobing Feng  



Project Description and Objectives:

On-machine workpiece measurement is becoming a key part of the next industrial revolution in precision manufacturing. On-machine metrology can not only assist in automated precision workpiece positioning, but also enable the in-situ detection and compensation of machining errors. This project will implement on-machine metrology by integrating a surface measurement sensor on the machine tool. The software will be developed to simultaneously control sensor readings and the motion of the machine tool. The accuracy of on-machine measurement will be evaluated according to ISO 10360 specification standards. The outcome of the project will demonstrate the capabilities of on-machine metrology utilizing the machine tool as part of the metrology system.


Eligibility Requirements

3rd year and above undergraduate students majoring in Mechanical/Electrical/Sensory engineering.

Students with research experience are highly desired.

Knowledge of metrology and/or the CMNC machine tool is highly desired.


Main Tasks:

Participant will carry out an experimental investigation on on-machine metrology, including analysis of common measurement sensors, the design, installation and operation of an on-machine sensor on the machine tool, establish communication between the sensor and machine tool, and evaluation of the performance of the developed on-machine measurement sensor according to methods specified in ISO 10360 specification standards.



Lab: N/A
