The leaders of Shanghai Jiao Tong University led a delegation to visit Singapore

国际合作与交流处 2024-07-29 216

From July 21 to July 23, 2024, Vice President Zhang Zhaoguo of Shanghai Jiao Tong University led a delegation to visit Singapore. They were invited to attend the Council and Academic Annual Meeting of the "Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise" (CREATE) in Singapore. Vice President Zhang also had a cordial discussion with faculty and students from the Singapore Graduate School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University on the "Negative Carbon Synthetic Biology" project.

On July 22, Vice President Zhang attended the opening ceremony of the CREATE Annual Meeting, where he listened to keynote presentations from experts representing institutions such as MIT and Tohoku University on topics related to addressing climate change and achieving carbon neutrality. At noon, Vice President Zhang and other council members were invited to the Istana, where they had lunch with President of Singapore Halimah Yacob and Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat. During the meal, they exchanged views on the topic of "Future Artificial Intelligence" and provided recommendations on Singapore's future research directions.


On the morning of July 23, Vice President Zhang Zhaoguo attended the CREATE Council meeting, where he listened to reports on the research and development strategies for artificial intelligence and decarbonization, as well as progress updates from various project teams within CREATE. Discussions also focused on Singapore's CREATE 2030 plan, and attendees provided insightful perspectives on future project directions for the CREATE initiative.

During the visit, Vice President Zhang also visited the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Singapore Graduate School, where he held discussions with faculty and students involved in the CNSB project. He learned about their work and life in Singapore, encouraging them to explore new ideas and strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration on this innovative international platform. He emphasized the importance of Shanghai Jiao Tong University contributing to Singapore's and global decarbonization efforts.



Later, Zhang Zhaoguo visited the Antai Asia-Pacific Center at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Singapore Graduate School, where he toured the newly completed campus. He highly praised the design concept of the campus and affirmed the achievements of the Antai Asia-Pacific Center in Singapore. He expressed hope that the center would fully leverage its location advantages, serving as a bridge and link. This includes nurturing international talent, connecting with overseas alumni, and promoting the sharing and development of alumni resources.


Comrades from the International Cooperation and Exchange Office accompanied the delegation on the overseas visit.