Project 136: Comparative Study on Urban Agriculture among Global Cities: Based on Economic Framework and Typical Cases

Project 136: Comparative Study on Urban Agriculture among Global Cities: Based on Economic Framework and Typical Cases

Contact Information

Assi. Prof. Zhengwei Cao 



Project Description and Objectives

This project refers to Economic Analysis on Global Urban modern Agriculture and Case Studies. The students should desire to use economic and technologies to solve the related academic problems.

Urban modern agriculture means an agricultural form located within or on the outskirts of cities, relying on urban natural and social resources, serving the diverse needs of cities, and characterized by high quality, high efficiency, multifunctionality, and sustainability. It includes not only agricultural production activities but also encompasses ecological, leisure, educational, and other multifaceted functions, representing the manifestation of modern agriculture in urban settings.


Eligibility Requirements

Majored in agricultural economics, or related.

Strong analysis and design capability. 

Fluent in English.

Proper writing skills.


Main Tasks

Students are required to work under the supervision on conducting literatures and analyzing data on urban agriculture. 

Provide research presentations and make weekly reports. 

By the end of the internship, compose one research paper.



