ICE3402P Data Structure

ICE3402P Data Structure

Number of Credits


Teaching Hours


Offering School

SJTU Paris Elite Institute of Technology

Course Teacher

Jialiang Lu <Email:>

Course Level

Undergraduate Level

Language of Instruction


First Day of Class

Thursday, February 20th, 2025

Last Day of Class

Thursday, June 5th, 2025

Course Component


Mode of Teaching


Meeting Time

Week 1-16: Thursdays, 14:00-16:45 PM

Click here to view World Clock Meeting Planner

Time Zone

Beijing Time(UTC+8)

Course-specific Restrictions (e.g. Prerequisites / Major / Year of Study)

Have C++ basis


Course Description

This course introduces advanced data structure such as different type of tree, Hash table and graph, some algorithm will also be revised. Data structure is one of the fundamental courses in Computer Science. It deals with storage and processing technique of data. The objective of the course is to master the following aspects: 1) Understand the logical relationship between data and processing requirements; 2) How to deal with data storage; 3) how to process data. The course will be divided into 5 parts: 1)  list, stack and Queue; 2) Binary Tree, Non-Binary Tree; 3) Sorting; 4) Searching: Hashing and other method; 5) Graph


Assessment Format

1. Assiduity:10%
2. Homework: 50%
3. Final Evaluation: 40% (Online Quiz 20%;Project + Report: 20%)

