ECON8623 Bank Management

ECON8623 Bank Management

Number of Credits


Teaching Hours


Offering School

Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance

Course Teacher

Nan Li

Course Level

Postgraduate Level

Language of Instruction


First Day of Class

Monday, March 17th, 2025

Last Day of Class

Thursday, April 10th, 2025

Course Component

Lecture + Discussion

Mode of Teaching


Meeting Time

Week 5-8: Mondays+Thursdays,18:30-22:00 PM

Click here to view World Clock Meeting Planner

Time Zone

Beijing Time(UTC+8)

Course-specific Restrictions (e.g. Prerequisites / Major / Year of Study)

Money and Banking
Students are expected to have some background in basic economic theory (macroeconomics and microeconomics), algebra, differential calculus, statistics, and a disposition to keep themselves informed of current developments in the area of banking and finance.

Note: Please make sure you have adequate background in analytics, linear algebra, statistics, economics and finance. This is a course in finance, with focus on the risk management and quantitative analysis. This course is NOT suitable for students without any training in economics, statistics, analytics or linear algebra.

Course Website


Course Description

This course builds on basic finance theory and economic principles to address topics that are important for managing financial institutions in a rapidly changing international environment. The students are expected to learn not only the theoretical framework to analyze the financial system, risk management and financial crisis, but also to learn how to apply tools and methods leant in this course to solve problems faced by the banks in the real economy. This course consists of following topics: Specialness, Risks and Regulations of Financial Institutions; Organization, Structure, Changing Dynamics of Banking Industry and Performance Evaluation of Commercial Banks; Liquidity Risk and Monetary Policy; Interest Rate Risk and Market Risk; Credit Risk



Accessment Format

1. Final Exam : 40%

2. Class Assignments : 30%

3. Presentation and Term Paper : 20%

4. Class Participation : 10%


This course is available on APRU-VSE platform.