Laboratory of Carbon Capture and Storage

Laboratory of Carbon Capture and Storage is affiliated to the Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Research Center of the China-UK Low Carbon College of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The leading professors of this laboratory are Prof. Qianguo Lin and Prof. Jia li. The research center strives to build a world-class CCUS innovation research center, core technology research and development and testing center, and international cooperation and exchange center to provide Chinese technical solutions for global CCUS. The main research directions of the laboratory:

1) Research on new membrane separation materials, new adsorbents and absorbents;

2) Carbon dioxide capture technology based on absorption method, membrane separation and adsorption method;

3) Large-scale post-combustion capture system evaluation;

4) Carbon dioxide and atmospheric pollutant system capture technology;

5) Carbon dioxide resource utilization;

6) Carbon capture and storage of biomass;

7) Production and utilization of hydrogen energy;

8) Gasification.