The System Biology of Plant Reproductive Development

Our laboratory is undertaking research projects on plant reproduction and molecular characterisation on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) supported by both national and Shanghai local government. Within the past ten years, the lab has identified and characterized over 30 genes associated with the development of inflorescence and spikelet, and the formation of pollen in rice. Various mechanisms underlying the determination of inflorescence and floral meristem, tapetal programmed cell death, communication between vegetative and reproductive cells have been elucidated. These exciting discoveries lead to about 150 scientific papers in journals, such as Science, Developmental Cell, PNAS, Nature Communications, Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, Nuclear Acid Research, and Cell Research. In addition, 14 patents for the useful genes/mutants have been obtained, and more than 20 national standard methods and 4 ISO standard methods for GMO analysis have been created based the scientific data.
