This lab was jointly established by the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute and the Network & Information Center. It aims to support scientific research and national project by combining the infrastructures of High Performance Computing(HPC) & Cloud Computing and engineering computing, by sharing resources and education. This lab is an interdisciplinary team with expertise on multi-physics simulations, including first-principles simulations, molecular dynamics, mesoscale and continuum-scale simulations, as well as on digital image processing and system optimization. We develop modeling and high-fidelity numerical methods to support various applications in energy, mechanics, materials and biomedical engineering. This lab builds and maintains π, the computing platform for SJTU. In HPC area, the major research interests include large-scale application optimizations on supercomputers, computer architecture, performance optimization on AI and Big Data applications, etc. This lab is among the pioneering research teams in China studying GPU computing. This lab is the only institute awarded both a NVIDIA CCoE and an Intel IPCC in China.