Laboratory for Personalized Medicine

The Laboratory for Personalized Medicine is a laboratory affiliated to the Institute for Personalized Medicine (IPM) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute for Personalized Medicine is co-funded by China Ministry of Science and Technology and China Ministry of Education. The Laboratory focuses its research on personalized disease diagnostics and personalized disease therapeutics. The Laboratory for Personalized Medicine highly emphasizes multi-disciplinary fields including biomedical, engineering, biology, bioinformatics and computer science. The Laboratory is the first to establish CyTOF, Imaging Mass spectrometry (IMC), Single Cell Western Blot (scWB) and Proximity Extension Assay (PEA)  in China,

and CTC enrichment characterization, effective transfection of single cell screening and biological pathway research have been completed by using single cell trace protein analysis technology. The laboratory is highly international as well. The laboratory is led by Professor Chih-Ming Ho, "National Distinguished Expert", Academician of American Academy of Engineering, and former vice President of scientific research of UNIVERSITY of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Professor Ding Xianting, winner of national "One Thousand Talents Plan" Youth Program and Winner of Qiushi Outstanding Young Scholar Award.