Shanghai Jiao Tong University SDG July Camp 2025 Call for Course Proposals

国际合作与交流处 2024-10-28 656

Project Background:

In order to enrich students' international learning experience, Shanghai Jiao Tong University launched its first SJTU SDG July Camp in 2022, an interdisciplinary and international summer session focusing on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ( The SJTU SDG July Camp offered 11 courses in 2022, 12 courses in 2023, and 17 courses in 2024. Through online collaborative learning, the program reaches a diverse student body, engages students in global issues, and develops their global competence.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University opens the call for course proposals for the SJTU SDG July Camp 2025. Accepted courses will be included in the credit-bearing general elective courses of the 2025 summer semester.


Course Requirements:

1. Course Content: Related to the UN SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) (

2. Instructors are encouraged to partner with international instructors in teaching. The actual teaching hours of SJTU instructors should account for more than 30% of the total teaching hours.

3. Class organizations should feature Project-Based Learning (PBL) and collaborative learning. Online group discussions should account for more than 40% of the time.

4. Course outputs should lead students to propose practical solutions to at least one SDG problem. SJTU SDG July Camp encourages instructors to engage government/ international organization/ enterprise for real-life problem-solving topics and projects.

5. Student composition: Intercultural discussion groups should be formed.

6. Teaching format: Online synchronous teaching.

7. Language of instruction: English

8. Course Platform: Feishu/Lark

9. Instructors are encouraged to host an SDG-related lecture or seminar for all students across the SDG July Camp.


Applicant Requirements:

1. Full-time SJTU faculty members with teaching responsibilities;

2. Professional background related to sustainability;

3. Partner with at least two instructors from overseas universities and/or transnational enterprises (international organizations) as project mentors/co-teachers, each from a different continent.


Project Organization Timeline:

Deadline for Proposal Submission: December 9, 2024

Proposal Defense: Mid December 2024

Course International Release: January 2025

International Student Recruitment: March to May, 2025

On-campus Students Recruitment: March 2025

Implementation: 2025 summer semester


Funding Formula:

1. A fundamental course development fund of 8000 RMB will be provided for a new course for the initial two years. The course offerings for the third round will be allocated a course operation fee of 5,000 RMB.

2. Additional funding may be provided to larger class sizes. However, the total course development/operation funding of each course shall not exceed 30,000 RMB.

3. Compensations to international collaborators will be provided on top of the development funding mentioned in above 2 items, but funded with SJTU standards.

4. Another 5,000 RMB is provided for recruiting teaching assistants, and the course leader may determine the specific amount to be issued.

5. The maximum funding for courses are outlined as follows: For a 1-credit course, total funding shall not exceed 20,000 RMB. For a 2-credit course , total funding shall not exceed 30,000 RMB. For a 3-credit course, the total funding shall not exceed 35,000 RMB.


Important Points to Note:

1. Please negotiate the exact date and time of the course offering with overseas instructors. It cannot be changed after release in January.

2. The name of the course shall not be changed after the course release.

3. First timers in the SDG program should attend at least one information session for peer-sharing and one instructional one-on-one discussion session.


Application Materials:

1. Attachment I: Course syllabus

2. Attachment II: Application Form for New Course Offerings (General Elective Courses)

3. Attachment III: Course Information Form (for promotion)

For the attachment templates, please go to jbox to download: (Password: SDGs)


How to submit:

Please submit a hard copy of your application with required attachments and faculty stamps, to the Division of Global Cooperation and Exchange (SJTU International Center). Additionally, kindly upload these documents to the jbox folder (link below) by December 9, 2024. (Password: SDGs)


If you would like to know more details, you can also join the Feishu/Lark discussion group in advance:




Project Contact Person:

LI Yunlei,, 021-54155621


Academic Affairs Office, Division of Global Cooperation and Exchange

                                                                                                      October 28, 2024