APRU SCL Webinar: Landscape Architect's Forum

国际合作与交流处 2022-04-01 2325


The continuous impact of climate change and the crisis of biodiversity loss have forced global cities to rethink how to build more adaptable and resilient green infrastructure. The core idea of resilient city spatial development is to use multiple-scale planning and design approaches to enhance the stability of urban ecosystems, to promote citizens’ health and well-being, to increase wildlife habitats, and to resist unexpected impinges on the urban environment. Regional scale ecological space planning is as important as plant configuration within private gardens. Resilient urban landscape requires multiple perspective considerations, such as to enroll advanced technologies for spatial identification, evaluation, simulation and management, as well as human and artistic factors in sustaining social cohesion. This webinar is therefore intended to explore the role of spatial planning and design to establish urban open space with climate adaptability, rainwater infiltration and accumulation, and historical and cultural characteristics. Through sharing the research and practical experience in the United States, Australia and China, it will discuss the understanding of respecting nature, humanistic care, technological innovation and artistic creativity in the process of developing resilient cities.

The event is held in celebration of the 126th anniversary of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, as well as a member of APRU. It is intended to align with universities, professional associations and practices to call for global attention to environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss may bring significant influences on urban ecological civilization, and suggests to seek innovative solutions with international perspective and local characteristics through international cooperation and communication.


Please join the webinar

12:00 – 13:30

April 8, 2022 (Beijing Time)

Scan the QR code to join



Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Shanghai society of Landscape Architecture



Ruan Xing

Dean and Guangqi Chair Professor of Architecture, School of Design,

Shanghai Jiao Tong University



Bart Johnson 

Professor of Landscape Architecture, University of Orgeon

Bart Johnson is a Professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Oregon. He is the international steering committee chair for the Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Hub (https://apru-scl.uoregon.edu/) of APRU. He was the lead editor of the 2002 book Ecology and Design: Frameworks for Learning, that brought together landscape architects and ecologists to build bridges between the two disciplines. He was the University of Oregon lead for an international consortium on urban ecology education and has taught ecological design at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.



James Hayter

IFLA President, Professor of Landscape Architecture, University of Adeleide

James Hayter is the Founding Director of Oxigen, a landscape architecture and urban design practice in Adelaide, South Australia, and currently serves as Professor in Landscape Architecture at the School of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Adelaide as well as leading his design practice. He also served as president of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) since July, 2018. IFLA represents 76 national member associations of landscape architecture worldwide, including the Chinese Society of Landscape Architects (CHSLA).



CHE Shengquan

Professor of Landscap Architecture, Associate Dean of School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Che Shengquan, Professor of Landscape Architecture, Associate Dean of School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Professor of China Institute for Urban Governance, Chinese Director of the Fraunhofer Project Center for Urban Eco-Development and Innovation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Director of Sustainable Ecological Design Center, and deputy director of Key Lab in Urban Agriculture of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Main research directions focus on the urban ecosystem services and ecological planning, sponge city and climate adaptive city, ecological restoration design and carbon neutral design.