
上海交通大学国际合作与交流处 2021-09-13 1028


APRU SCL Webinar Series - Knowledge Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities and Landscapes


This webinar introduces new ways of understanding sustainable cities and landscapes. Our research framework rethinks the goals (Why: health) and means (What: infrastructure and How: cultivation and co-production) of sustainable development in the current moment of global crises (the COVID pandemic, climate change) and mobilization (SDGs and policy mobility). We use the forthcoming Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Cities and Landscapes in the Pacific Rim to show how this new framework connects a variety of research topics. An integrated agenda that addresses “Why, What, and How” simultaneously will build mutually reinforcing inquiry and implementation, and co-learning spaces of policy mobility. We introduce three types of learning spaces where SCL researchers can play an active role; and we discuss potential issues in SCL research and evaluate the edited volume against those issues. We conclude by calling for collaborations between SCL researchers and policy actors to build information infrastructures via knowledge co-production.


Prof Yizhao Yang, University of Oregon

Prof Anne Taufen, University of Washington


2021年9月27日 05:00 下午 太平洋时间(美国和加拿大)

