POL6301 Politics and International Relations Theory

POL6301 Politics and International Relations Theory

Number of Credits


Teaching Hours


Offering School

School of International and Public Affairs

Course Instructor

SU Ruolin

Course Level

Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Language of Instruction


First Day of Class

Monday, Sept. 23rd, 2024

Last Day of Class

Monday, Jan.6th, 2025

Course Component


Mode of Teaching


Course recordings available for students.

Meeting Time

Week 2-17: Mondays, 12:55 am - 15:40 pm

Click here to view World Clock Meeting Planner

Time Zone

Beijing Time(UTC+8)






 Course Description

This course is an introductory course, surveying major issues in international politics. The first section of the course provides an overview of some central concepts and main theoretical approaches to understand international politics. The second section of the course applies these theories to various issues pertaining to international relations.

Topics will include international security, the causes of war, international political economy, the role of international law and international institutions in international relations, prospects for international cooperation to resolve environmental problems, and nuclear proliferation. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the field of international relations, so no prerequisite course is required.

Assessment Format

1)Attendance and Participation: 10%
2)Group Project: 10%
3)Presentation: 20%
4)Midterm Exam: 20%
5)Final Exam: 40%

