MS331+MS333 Quantum Information Technologies and a practical module

MS331+MS333 Quantum Information Technologies and a practical module

Number of Credits


Offering School

Zhiyuan College School of Physics and Astronomy

Course Instructor

Prof. Xian-Min Jin and Dr. Hao Tang

Course Level


Language of Instruction


First Day of Class


Last Day of Class


Course Component


Mode of Teaching

Synchronous (Online + On-campus)

Meeting Time

Thursdays 18:00 p.m.-21:30 p.m.

Course recordings available for students.

Time Zone

Beijing TimeUTC+8


Second or Third year undergraduate with a background on physics , mathematics, computer sciences or other engineering subjects. Preliminary knowledge on quantum mechanics is not a must.

Course Description

This course would cover the fundamental principles, algorithm designs and frontier progresses on quantum information and quantum computing, with an emphasis on the practical skills and visions for application-oriented quantum information technologies.

Through this course, the students are expected to:

ü   Understand fundamental concepts for computational complexity, and the essential difference between classical and quantum computing;

ü   Learn different physical platforms for quantum computing including photonics, superconductors, ion traps, etc; Understand the physical realization and matrix expressions for qubits and quantum gates.

ü   Master common universal quantum algorithms including Deutsche’s algorithm, Grover’s algorithm, Shor’s algorithm, Quantum Fourier transform, and know how to implement quantum circuits on the online quantum cloud platform to demonstrate these algorithms.

ü   Learn analog quantum algorithms such as boson sampling and quantum walks, and understand the common analog quantum computing approaches including analog photonic quantum computing, Ising machine, and quantum annealer, etc.

ü   Know the hybrid quantum-classical algorithms such as VQE and QAOA that are being widely investigated as the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum technologies.