Project 167:Design and Optimization of Microchannel Structure for Heat Dissipation of High Heat Flow IGBT Chips

Project 167Design and Optimization of Microchannel Structure for Heat Dissipation of High Heat Flow IGBT Chips

Contact Information:

Assoc. Prof. Chaoyang Zhang     



Project Description and Objectives:

As the size of electronic devices decreases and their functions increase, there is an increasing demand for high heat flow density cooling technologies. In particular, the IGBT module in the motor inverter on electric vehicles causes a great deal of chip heat generation due to the high current working condition, which is an important factor affecting the safe and stable operation of electric vehicles. With the increasing current density and heat generation power of the IGBT module, its heat dissipation structure is necessary to study. This project is aimed at designing and optimizing the microchannel heat dissipation structure for IGBT chip modules with high heat flow to keep the temperature of the important IGBT chips stable.


Eligibility Requirements:

Major in mechanical or thermal engineering.

Good working attitude and team cooperation spirit.


Main Tasks:

Participant will be trained to read related literature, and to understand some research methods and theoretical knowledge in experiments and simulations.

Numerical modeling of three-dimensional flow channel for the actual working conditions, optimization of the physical model and numerical model setup, and adaptive optimization design of the flow channel.



Lab: N/A
