Project 148: Elderly Care Robot Development and Deployment

Project 148: Elderly Care Robot Development and Deployment

Contact Information:

Assoc. Prof. Gang Zheng



Project Description and Objectives:

According to the latest reports, China has 15.8 million residents aged above 65, and 24.1 million aged above 60 (as of 2017). Its population aging rate is the faster than ever before. As the population grows older, we also see a decrease in young people prepared to take care of the elderly groups. This project is to develop and deploy an elderly care robot that can perform simple services like medicine delivery, etc.


Eligibility Requirements:

Basic knowledge of:

Mechanical engineering

Programming language


Main Tasks:

To build a simple “elderly care” scenario using KT board, etc.

To program and practice a brand-new service robot.

Deploy the robot in an “elderly care” scenario and perform medicine delivery tasks.



