The Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) 2022 Summer Design Expo opened online on August 3,displaying 83 innovative design projects from a number of summer experimental courses of freshmen and senior students including “Introduction to Engineering”, “System Design and Implementation”, “Design and Manufacture III”, “Product Design and Manufacturing”, “VLSI Design I” and “Computer Architecture”.
Display of “Lithium Battery Thermal Run-away stress and resistive sensor prototype design” project
Display of “Hardware and Software Co-Design for CPU Liquid Cooling Systems” project
Display of “Redesign of Bolt Tightening Robot for Power Tower” project
Professors carry out online evaluation of graduation projects of senior students.
Group photo of Gold Award winner- team of “Force Feedback in Robotics” project
Group photo of some faculty members and students attending the expo at Long Bin Building
Group photo of some online attendees
Since the first corporate-sponsorship was launched at JI in 2010, more and more multinational companies have sponsored “custom” projects that follow their market trends. Of the 30 Capstone design projects, 14 are sponsored by leading enterprises such as VMware, United Imaging, CIML, BuilderX, and Mega Phase. The corporate-institute partnership creates a win-win outcome. Through the courses, exchanges and other effective means, JI stimulates students’ creative thinking and provides a multichannel and comprehensive platform for talent training and business cooperation.
For more information on the students’ projects, please log onto: